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HomeHomeManhattan Assoc...Manhattan Assoc...GeneralGeneralFull pallet replenishment for WMS SCOPEFull pallet replenishment for WMS SCOPE
New Post
12/3/2015 2:56 PM

What causes an item to allocate to selection task rather than a full pallet replenishment?

20 iLPNs in reserve of 20 cases each

Distrobution Order calls for 22 cs.

2 cs should go to selection task.

1 pallet of 20 cases should go to a full pallet replenishment task.

22 cases go to selection task...


Item configuration appears to be same as other items that work properly.

WMS SCOPE User - Jason


HomeHomeManhattan Assoc...Manhattan Assoc...GeneralGeneralFull pallet replenishment for WMS SCOPEFull pallet replenishment for WMS SCOPE

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