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HomeHomeManhattan Assoc...Manhattan Assoc...GeneralGeneralMAHN WMS 2013-  Declining messages is documented on what table in the DBMAHN WMS 2013- Declining messages is documented on what table in the DB
New Post
1/17/2018 7:12 AM



I have immediate needs messages during receiving.   Some users decline the immediate needs.   I would like to know which table the declines appear on so I can write a SQL to  figure out the % of declines vs the total immediate need of that type.   


I checked the MSL_LOG and the IMMD_NEEDS tables but they do not show the declines.  


Thanks Dave

New Post
1/17/2018 12:21 PM

Hey Dave,

Unfortunately if the user does not accept the Immediate Need then the system will continue without making any updates for that Immediate Need requirement (it will remain open).

Sorry I can't offer more than that because we're currently not using Immediate Needs, but I've used it with previous employers.

Perhaps ASN_DTL or QUAL_INSPCT tables might hold some sort of value.



New Post
8/7/2018 1:25 AM

Hi Dave,


Just y opinion.

When you create immed need, there are some data in table immd_needs (include create_date_time and sku_id). When someone receive LPN and confirm 'No' for immediate needs, there is no record as I know. But, if someone confirm 'Yes' for immediate needs, you can see new data row in table immd_needs with different immd_need_id. That last row contain spesific case_nbr (immd_needs.case_nbr) and has different create date time.

So, I think you can check immd_needs.create_date_time with immd_needs.case_nbr not null. That create date time compare with immd_needs.create_date_time with immd_needs.case_nbr = *.

Then you can pull all LPN created between those 2 times. We can said those LPN declined by user.






HomeHomeManhattan Assoc...Manhattan Assoc...GeneralGeneralMAHN WMS 2013-  Declining messages is documented on what table in the DBMAHN WMS 2013- Declining messages is documented on what table in the DB

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