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HomeHomeManhattan Assoc...Manhattan Assoc...GeneralGeneralInvnetory Allocation TypeInvnetory Allocation Type
New Post
12/31/2014 10:23 AM

Where are the Inventory Allocation Types defined within the WM system?     I am reading through the AIM document and it references that the Inventory Allocation Type can be defined in several different files but I cannot fine a file that provides me with what the values can be.

I appreaicte any assistance that can be provided.


Thank you


New Post
1/5/2015 6:52 PM



Which AIM document are you reading?

Does it contain an example of one of the types?

New Post
1/5/2015 7:54 PM

And which version/platform of WM are you running? WM for iSeries (green screen) or WMOS/SCOPE for open systems (web based UI).

Chad Richardson

Incite, LLC
WMS Consulting

New Post
9/24/2015 5:47 AM

The inventory allocation type can be whatever value you choose.  There is no table that stores the values.

New Post
3/28/2016 6:49 AM



It may be slightly different in your version, but in our version (WMOS2006), the allocation type is first defined in system code B-325. From there, there's a variety of different places that need to be set up in order for it to work, including Inventory Allocation Priorities, Allocation Parameters, Allocation Rules (optional), etc.

HomeHomeManhattan Assoc...Manhattan Assoc...GeneralGeneralInvnetory Allocation TypeInvnetory Allocation Type

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