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HomeHomeManhattan Assoc...Manhattan Assoc...ILS, SCALEILS, SCALERun wave issue debug/resolution stepsRun wave issue debug/resolution steps
New Post
5/28/2019 7:07 AM

Hi Experts, pls guide me on steps that can be followed for debugging run wave issues... i am not able to find the right approach to be followed for debugging when i have red tab on the wave after i do run wave.. i only check for material allocation ... not sure how to find exacct reason why wave failed to run even when having enough on hand qty.. thank you

New Post
7/10/2019 12:31 PM

Look at the shipments under the wave that also have a red icon. Then check the Exception message in that shipment header. Usually it is due to failed allocation. Even though you physically have enough inventory in the warehouse, it may not be found due to the allocation rules you have setup.

Chad Richardson

Incite, LLC
WMS Consulting

HomeHomeManhattan Assoc...Manhattan Assoc...ILS, SCALEILS, SCALERun wave issue debug/resolution stepsRun wave issue debug/resolution steps

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