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HomeHomeManhattan Assoc...Manhattan Assoc...ILS, SCALEILS, SCALEDownload orders directly in ScaleDownload orders directly in Scale
New Post
3/20/2014 7:55 AM


Currently we use a interface (with XML files) to download our client orders in Scale. I would like to know how we can download the orders directly in Scale without interface ( with Excel files, xml...) ?

Thank you.

New Post
3/28/2014 12:19 PM

Just curious.  Why not go through the interface?

New Post
4/7/2014 7:01 AM

Because it is to complicated for our B2C clients to send us the files in the right format.

New Post
4/7/2014 1:48 PM

jheller, can you tell me more explicitly what you'd like to do? You can take an excel file and then upload that into the download order tables in SCALE that way. But in my mind, you always some sort of interface file. It may be XML, or Excel, or a CSV file, or even a web service that calls out to their system and retrieves the files, but there is always some sort of middle interface file that is received in their format, that must then be converted to SCALE format, then uploaded to SCALE.

If you want to use Excel, you can do that, and then schedule a job to import those into the SCALE import tables directly...then they will be imported to the actual order data tables when the import job runs.

Chad Richardson

Incite, LLC
WMS Consulting

New Post
4/14/2014 6:24 AM

Thanks for your support, it was helpful.

HomeHomeManhattan Assoc...Manhattan Assoc...ILS, SCALEILS, SCALEDownload orders directly in ScaleDownload orders directly in Scale

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