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New Post
12/11/2012 9:28 AM
Adding new label  (N/A)

We are attempting to add a new label which at this point has been created.When we goe through the does not pull the new label but instead defaults based on the shipvia default label. Where is this setting to change? I am new to my company and have experience in the Windows based/web based version of Manhattan WMS. This is an older version as/400. Any ideas??? I stumbled upon this site looking for answers hoping someone can answer.

New Post
12/14/2012 5:54 AM

What type of label is it? i.e. a specific ship via label? a customer specific label? your new default label? Did you put that label type value in the pickt ticket header (PHPICK00)?

Chad Richardson

Incite, LLC
WMS Consulting

New Post
12/14/2012 6:19 AM

Chad, thank you for the response. Wasn't sure I would get one. It is a customer specific label and the label type vale was added to the pick ticket header but would still not pull the correct label. It is however working now as there was apparently logic in the programing that was over riding. That has been changed for this specific customer and now pulls the correct label.

New Post
12/14/2012 6:58 AM

Great. Glad you got it working. You stated that you were new to the iSeries platform...should you need any further help, just ask!

Chad Richardson

Incite, LLC
WMS Consulting

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