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HomeHomeManhattan Assoc...Manhattan Assoc...PkMS, WMi, WM i...PkMS, WMi, WM i...MHE to WMS messaging based on unit sorter configurationMHE to WMS messaging based on unit sorter configuration
New Post
8/23/2013 7:50 AM

iSeries WMS with a unit sorter. Has anyone ever seen the error "Inventory not in packing location" upon the message transfer from the MHE system to the WMS system on pack complete?

New Post
8/23/2013 9:26 AM

Hello Crosby23,

I've seen this, but only when there was a true inventory shortage in the packing location...i.e. the sorter never registered the inventory put into that location. What type of sorter is this? Do you have a confirmation of the sorter receiving the inventory put into that location?

Chad Richardson

Incite, LLC
WMS Consulting

HomeHomeManhattan Assoc...Manhattan Assoc...PkMS, WMi, WM i...PkMS, WMi, WM i...MHE to WMS messaging based on unit sorter configurationMHE to WMS messaging based on unit sorter configuration

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