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HomeHomeManhattan Assoc...Manhattan Assoc...GeneralGeneralVocollect - Prompt for DeliveryVocollect - Prompt for Delivery
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1/26/2017 5:43 AM

Hi again,


It seems that our LM implementation has highlighted a bunch of parameters that don't quite work as we'd expect, based on the descriptions. Our latest issue involves a picker needing to make multiple deliveries to consolidation. In one of our pick areas, the users pick to a pallet (1 carton is 1 pallet). At the end of these tasks, the users are prompted to deliver their pallet to a particular consolidation location, so of course they'll get travel time for that.

We have our limits set appropriately for that carton (40 cube, 1800 pounds), which works for most situations. However, there are certain situations where their task asks them to pick more than they can put on the pallet. Not because the product won't fit in the limits - it's because the product is weirdly shaped so it'd be unsafe to stack as much as will technically fit. In these cases, they use the "new container" command in Vocollect, which closes their first pallet and transfers all remaining picks to a new pallet. But before they can start picking their new pallet, they need to deliver the closed one to consolidation. Since their task isn't over yet, there's no Vocollect prompt for that, so it's done manually, and therefore there's no record of them visiting consolidation, and no travel time given. 

I found a parameter on the VoiceOnly1 program in position 15 called "deliver closed container", which, when checked, apparently is supposed to get Vocollect to prompt the user to deliver a container at the time the container is closed. This doesn't happen when the "new container" command is used, so I tried using the "close container" command. This command doesn't work - it says "cannot close the only container". If I try new container and then close container, it gives me the same message.

Maybe I'm misunderstanding this parameter? Or maybe there's another parameter that goes along with this one that I'm missing?



New Post
7/16/2020 5:19 PM

hi John I sent you a pm.

HomeHomeManhattan Assoc...Manhattan Assoc...GeneralGeneralVocollect - Prompt for DeliveryVocollect - Prompt for Delivery

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